Small Groups
Small groups serve a vital role in our church life as they facilitate greater intimacy in fellowship and shepherding. We can only do so much on Sundays. But in a smaller setting, we’re able to forge deeper relationships within the body of Christ and encourage greater growth in the gospel and in love for Christ.
We come together to study a book of the Bible, share our lives, and pray for one another. Each group also has various fellowship times throughout the year.
Small Group Logistics:
We have both men’s and women’s groups.
We typically meet on the 2nd and 4th weeks of each month in the evening.
We have a time of study and then sharing and prayer.
Small groups are open throughout the year. But please contact the leader prior to attending one.
This year, we are studying selected Psalms. Small group schedule
Introduction to the Psalms: Questions
Please email Jason Park (jasonpark412@gmail.com) for more information about our small groups.
Small Group Information
Men’s Small Groups
Wednesday – Orange
Contact: Jason Park (jasonpark412@gmail.com)
Thursday – Brea
Contact: Royce Yun (royceyun@gmail.com)
Thursday – Fullerton
Contact: Jonathan Yang (jonathan.mynameis@gmail.com)
Thursday – Placentia
Contact: Jae Lee (rubbisssh@gmail.com)
Thursday – Irvine
Contact: Charles Kim (charleskim0507@gmail.com)
Women’s Small Groups
Monday – Brea
Contact: Daniela Chung (chung.daniela@gmail.com)
Wednesday – Buena Park
Contact: Jane Park (janepark412@yahoo.com)
Thursday – Orange
Contacts: Joyce Cruz (joycezhuang23gmail.com)
Julia Yang (juliadenisechan@gmail.com)
Friday – Placentia
Contact: Jessica Lee (sunbeam967@gmail.com)
Friday – Irvine
Contact: Ruth Kim (ruthckim@gmail.com)