
Order of Worship

Opening Song

Call to Worship - Revelation 1:12-18


Pastoral Prayer / CM Dismissal / Greeting Time


Mark 9:1-13

“The Glory of Jesus”

Pastor Jason Park

Closing Song

Closing Prayer


February 16, 2024

Church Announcements

Gym Day (2/23)

Come hang out with us after service on Sunday, February 9th, in the gym next to the sanctuary. If you plan to stick around, we usually grab a light lunch (BYO) after church for additional fellowship and the gym will be open for folks who want to play basketball together. It’s very casual and all ages are welcome!

Women’s Ministry Charcuterie Lunch (2/16)

The Women’s Ministry is hosting a collaborative charcuterie lunch after service on Sunday, February 16th in the Annex. Ladies from youth group and up are invited to share in making (and eating!) a giant charcuterie board filled with fruit, cheese, crackers, cured meat and more. We will read an excerpt from C.S. Lewis’ “The Four Loves” and play a fun game while we eat. Please sign up via the link in the newsletter.

Weekly Prayer Meeting

Online prayer meetings for September will be held on Wednesdays. Starting in October they will be held every Tuesday or Thursday each week. Email notices are sent out weekly. You can also submit prayer requests through the request link in the emails.

1st Hour Ministries (9:30am)

Equipping Class - Hebrews - Pastor Jonathan Yang (Room 221)

Youth Group (6-12th gr.) - Book of Jonah - Jonah Cruz (Room 222)

Children’s Ministry (preschool - 5th)

  • Younger Class - Room 123

  • Older Class - Room 121

Small Groups

Information about our small groups is on our website. We have men's and women's groups meeting biweekly. We encourage those of you who are not in one to check them out. They are one of the best ways to get involved in each other's lives.

Starting the week of September 8th (2024), we’ll be studying selected Psalms. For more information, visit our Small Groups page: https://www.lighthouseoc.com/small-groups

516 Young Adults’ Ministry (Friday @ 6:30pm)

516 will be meeting at various times during the year for fellowship. For more information please speak to Pastor Jonathan Yang.

The young adults ministry (college and beyond) will meet for dinner and Bible study at James and Marina Kim's home at 6:30pm in Irvine.  Some dinner foods will be provided, but attendees can bring an appetizer, drink, or dessert to share.


You can give via Venmo @lighthousebiblechurch-oc or via Zelle to lbcocfinance@gmail.com (US Bank). You can also send your offering to “Lighthouse Bible Church” at 1855 N. Orange-Olive Rd. Orange, CA 92685. We greatly appreciate your cheerful giving to the Lord and His church!

Outreach Opportunity (TBD)

Share the good news of the Gospel in our local community with our church. We will have tabling set up at the Brea Mall. If you’re interested, please sign up using the link in our newsletter or talk to Jonah Cruz (jonahcruz97@gmail.com). And please fill out this Google form: https://forms.gle/EskVbxn3GWSvcUju5