Service Opportunities

Service Opportunities


Food & Refreshments Ministry – help with lunch signup, stocking paperware, coffee prep, and oversee planning meals for special events.

Children’s Ministry – teachers always needed in rotation (currently about once a month); requires church membership, background check, and application.

Music Ministry – vocals and musicians always needed; requires church membership and tryout.

AV Team – assist with all audio and visual related aspects

New Visitors Team – welcome, greet, answer questions, pass out brochure, record information, newcomers orientation, help plan events, etc.

Offering Ushers – help with the collection of the Lord’s Day offering and immediately give to our treasurers.

Graphic Arts – know Adobe Illustrator, MS Publisher, or other programs, and would like to create flyers, brochures, documents, booklets, tshirts, artwork, etc. Contact: Pastor James Lee

Website – we need help from folks who understand web design and/or maintenance.

Practical Needs


If you’re interested in helping out, contact Thank you!

Office Supplies – accepting some donations of regular items such as copy paper, pens, tape, staples, etc.

Communion Trays & Supplies – monitor and order new supplies of bread and/or juice for Lord’s Table each month; wash and clean trays regularly as needed

Bulletin Printing & Folding – help print and fold Sunday Bulletin; also opportunity to format bulletin weekly

Sanctuary Setup & Cleanup – help setup/take down signs, straighten chairs, clean up trash/leftover bulletins, etc.

Storage Organization & Help – help organize, maintain, and streamline storage of church supplies, both at our rented facility and with members who serve us by storing items at their homes

Hosting of Missionaries & Guest Speakers – if you are able to provide overnight housing for visiting missionaries and pastors, then let our elders know